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People speak with different accents due to variations in pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm that develop within specific regional or cultural groups. These differences often arise from a combination of historical, social, and linguistic factors that influence how languages are spoken in various parts of the world.

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Q: Why do people from different places speak different accent?
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Do people in Brazil have a British accent?

Overall, people in Brazil do not have a British accent. The official language in Brazil is Portuguese, and thus the majority of people speak with a Portuguese accent. However, due to global influences, some Brazilians may speak English with a British accent if they have been exposed to that dialect.

What really accounts for differences in accent among people who speak English?

Differences in accent among English speakers can be influenced by factors such as geographical location, cultural background, first language, and exposure to different accents. These factors contribute to variations in pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm in the way English is spoken by different individuals.

When you are from another state your accent tends to be different?

Yes, accents can vary by region, so someone from another state may have a different accent than others in your local area. This is because accents are shaped by factors like geography, culture, and language influences unique to each region.

Do people in Australia speak a different language than people in the US?

No. Australians speak English. But, they have a different accent from the American accent And some words are different there. Such as : BBQ- Barbie See the related link for a website that has some Australian dialog.

Can you lose your New Jersey accent if you live in Georgia for two years?

It is possible to lose or modify your accent after living in a different region for an extended period of time. However, some aspects of your accent may still persist. Surrounding yourself with people who speak with a different accent and consciously working on modifying your own speech can help in this process.

Related questions

Why do English people have peculiar accents?

Everyone has a different accent in different countries. England is like America the different places you go you get different accents there not all the same. For instance an individual can have a Essex accent which is different to the London accent. Also, other accents are Lester accent or a Manchester accent a Nottingham accent a Scottish a Welsh accent and a Hull accent.

How do you have an accent?

Because people grow up somewhere where people speak in that accent, and learn to pronounce words in a different way.

Do you have right accent?

We all speak different and pronounce different. Some People might speak the same but face it we are different. Byee Lol

What kind of accent do Transylvanian people have?

Some people speak the Romanian language with a Hungarian accent.

Did pirates always speak with an accent?

Most people speak with accents, and pirates are just people.

How do people speak in Alabama?

The people of Alabama for the most part speak English, with a southern accent.

How does Bella speak in twilight or what accent does she have?

As far as I could tell, she didn't have an accent. She was originally from Arizona, and then moved to Washington; neither of those places have a specific accent associated with them.

Why do the people in London speak with an accent?

Because everyone speaks with an accent, including you. Accent is simply the way we shape our mouth as we say words, and everyone shapes it one way or another, and everyone sounds different to someone who speaks a different way. but to Americans yes it does sound like an accent.

What makes Maori people different to other New Zealanders?

Aside from the obvious ethnic difference, many Maori speak with an accent (somewhat different to the Kiwi accent). There way of life can be quite different, too, although there has been a lot of crossover between Maori and Pakeha. In fact, it has been suggested that the Maori accent influenced the NZ accent, which 50 years ago, was barely different to an Australian accent.

What places in Argentina speak Spanish?

Most places in Argentina speak Spanish. Just be aware that Argentine Spanish is slightly different than other people's Spanish.

Do people in Brazil have a British accent?

Overall, people in Brazil do not have a British accent. The official language in Brazil is Portuguese, and thus the majority of people speak with a Portuguese accent. However, due to global influences, some Brazilians may speak English with a British accent if they have been exposed to that dialect.

Do people in Gran canary speak Spanish?

yes, they do, although according to my spanish teacher they have a different accent to mainland Spain but it is definitely spanish.