It's not actually just chavs who say "innit". A lot of English people do; it's just a shorter, easier way of saying "isn't it". I guess if you were a chav and you said "isn't it" around your friends, they'd think you were a right nonce.
Chavs are a stereotype associated with working-class youths in the United Kingdom. They can be found in both urban and suburban areas, but they are not limited to a specific location.
Soixante-douze Sixty-twelve. Silly, innit? In Canada, Switzerland and Belgium they say septante-deux, which makes sense, but tell that to the académie.
Yes, "innit" is slang for "isn't it" or "is it not." It is commonly used in British English. "Wag1" is also a slang term popular in British English, derived from "What's going on?" or "What's up?"
'Innit' is a slang term commonly used in British English to seek confirmation or agreement. For example, "It's raining outside, innit?" is a way of saying, "It's raining outside, isn't it?" It's often used in informal conversations to add emphasis or express solidarity with the listener.
Literally, "a cheeky rascal" translates as "une racaille (feminine noun) insolente". The English word rascal has the same origin as the French "racaille", but that French word is most often associated with loitering uneducated youths, the kind you would call "chavs" in modern-days English.
The cast of Dirty Chavs Innit - 2005 includes: Reece Hector Felix Stefan Richard
English Chavs say words like "innit" "aint" Neds (Scottish Chavs) say words like "Aye" "Awritte" "Hen" "Tae" "Nae" "Glesga". I used to be a ned...
innit bruuv dey tawk like disss. so yes they do have theyre own language
innit blaad
Every place has their 'chavs'. But I'd say Croydon.
maybe the chavs are cute and the guys are just using them
Because BMXing is for chavs and here in England we are not chavs.
Chavettes (Girl Chavs) wear Pauls Boutique, Harem Trousers, Trackies, Hi tops ect. Chavs (Boy Chavs) wear Nike hoodies,Hi tops, Trackies,Football strips ect.
Because chavs worship everything they hate no because chavs are dumb offencive thik and call you and chavs make up that stupid lie that emos cut themselves they dont some do not all advvice like a chav loose everything
well there is 12 million in the uk olone so about 6 or 7 million chavs
based on a real story innit am i right or what if it not than thats the answer innit
It's not slang, it's dialect. "Innit" is a way of pronouncing "Isn't it"