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It probably started of as a way of describing objects and helped when fighting of other tribes

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Language likely evolved as a means of communication to facilitate cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and social coordination among early human groups. It provided a way to convey complex information, emotions, and intentions, ultimately increasing the chances of survival and reproduction for individuals in a community.

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Q: Why did language evolve?
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Nature saw how language evolve from the very beginning to the modern age.

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Yes, the French language evolved from Latin in France.

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No individual made the Irish language. Like all languages, it developed over time with many people adding words, and like any language it continues to evolve and change.

What is the name given the science of language study?

The science of language study is called linguistics. Linguists analyze the structure, history, and use of languages to understand how they work and evolve.

Why is it that language is not dormant and static but active and changing?

Language is dynamic because it is constantly influenced by various factors, such as culture, technology, and social trends. As societies evolve, so does their language to reflect these changes. Additionally, interactions between different language speakers and the blending of languages contribute to linguistic evolution.

What is the person who studies the development of language?

A person who studies the development of language is called a linguist or a developmental psychologist specializing in language acquisition. They may research how languages evolve, how children acquire language skills, and how communication systems develop across cultures.

What is a scientist who studies language and written records called?

A scientist who studies language and written records is called a linguist or a philologist. They analyze language structure, history, and usage to understand how languages evolve and the cultural contexts in which they are used.

What language did French evolve from?

French evolved from Latin, specifically Vulgar Latin. Over time, it absorbed influences from Celtic and Germanic languages as well.

Why is it that language is dormant and not static but active and changing?

Because people also evolve. Language doesn't work in a vacuum, the real question is why people are not formant and static in their manner of speaking. We effect language, language doesn't affect us. So the short answer is:because people aren't dormant and static.

Who spoke the first Hebrew word?

It is impossible know that for Hebrew, or for any other language. Languages do not have instantaneous origins. They evolve from older languages.