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GIrls are so talkative because most of the time guys never talk so girls fee; it is there job tot talk

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5mo ago

There is no universal reason why girls might be talkative. People of all genders can vary in their communication styles and tendencies. It depends on the individual and their personality, environment, and social context.

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Which is correct 'the girls dog' or the 'girls' dog'?

The first one would never be correct. Use 's to show possession by a singular noun. Ex: if the dog belonged to one girl it would be the girl's dog. Use s' to show possession by plural noun. Ex: if two girls owned the dog it would be the girls' dog. So,"The girl owns the dog." becomes the girl's dog while "The girls own the dog." becomes the girls' dog. SO in your case if a parent bought a dog for their girls and one day comes home and the place is a mess, it was the girls' dog. But if the parent bought one girl a dog and it made a mess then it was the girl's dog. The only time you can have "girls" without the apostrophe would be if "dog" is a verb, which it could be. For example, "In the book about Nancy Drew and her friend, the girls dog the steps of a thief."

What is the plural pronoun for the girls?

The pronouns that takes the place of the plural noun 'girls' are they, them, theirs, their, themselves.Examples:The girls will be home soon. They are expected at noon so I made them some lunch. (personal pronouns)The Walker girls live on this street. The houseon the corner is theirs. (possessive pronoun)The Walker girls live on this street. Their house is on the corner (possessive adjective)The girls got up and made themselves breakfast. (reflexive pronoun)The girls themselves got up and made breakfast. (intensive pronoun)

What is the difference between girls and girl's and girls'?

"Girls" is the plural form of "girl," used when referring to multiple girls. "Girl's" is the possessive form of "girl," used to show that something belongs to one girl. "Girls'" is the plural possessive form, used to show that something belongs to multiple girls.

How do you girls' in a sentence?

The girls' bedroom had just been painted so they camped out on the living room floor.

How many girls were there in thelma's gypsy girls?

There were 5 girls in Thelma's Gypsy Girls.

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What does it mean when a girl talks to you on the phone for eight hours?

A lot of us girls are very talkitive so it's probably nothing personal.

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Do you break up with a girl if she isn't talkitive?

you should defentley not break up with a girl if she's not talkitive because she is just nervous. let her get used to you.

What does WTP stand for in tennis?

Wonderful Talkitive Ponies

What attitude do guys like?

guys like girls who are friendly, inteligent, confident, and well behaving. but most of boys like girls who are talkitive, very friendly girls. but i suggest you to be original what ever you are while dating. because 100% of guys like girls who are original and different from others. they like you the way you are. GOOD LUCK

Character traits that start with T?

trustworhty, thoughtful, talkitive

What does KPC stand for?

My aunt was so mean and she said im a KPC... I also was wondering wat it meant but i think its about u ask alot of questions or your too talkitive.

How do you say talkitive in French?

talkative is 'bavard' in French. That hints that someone is talking too much.

How do you get a boy to talk to you more?

Basically Im a boy and this is why im not asking out this girl. The girl wont talk to me when i try to talk to her. Basically some guys dont like the girls to be quiet and not talkitive so when you see him talk, dont wait for him if he doesnt offer first. Be confident and ask questions ( but not to weird).. I hope this helps but if it doesnt good luck CHuckk

Do guys like loud or quiet girls?

Preferences vary among individuals. Some guys may prefer outgoing and talkative girls, while others may prefer more reserved and quiet personalities. It's important to be authentic and true to yourself.

Is a guineapig talkitive?

At when you first get your guinea pig he or she will be very quite because he or she is nervous but after a week or month he or she will be making alot of noise.