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herbert spencer

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The phrase "survival of the fittest" was coined by British philosopher Herbert Spencer, not Charles Darwin. Darwin's theory of natural selection was similar to this concept but did not use the exact phrase.

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What term can be used to describe natural selection?

Survival of the fittest

How does survival influence evolution?

you need to survive to evolve you need to adapt to the enviornment as charles darwin said survival of the fittest

When was Survival of the Fittest - novel - created?

Survival of the Fittest - novel - was created in 1997.

When was Survival of the Fittest - song - created?

Survival of the Fittest - song - was created on 1995-05-29.

When was Survival of the Fittest Live created?

Survival of the Fittest Live was created on 1970-08-01.

When was Survival of the Fittest - The Headhunters album - created?

Survival of the Fittest - The Headhunters album - was created in 1975.

What is natural selection also known as?

Survival of the fittest

Type of selection Darwin reffered to as survival of the fittest?

Charles Darwin used Natural Selection to answer the survival of the fittest.

What does fitness refer to in survival of the fitness?

It's "survival of the FITTEST", so that means that the fittest competitor shall survive.

In evolution survival of the fittest refers to?

In evolution, natural selection is often called survival of the fittest.

What year did Charles Darwin say survival of the fittest?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, which includes the concept of "survival of the fittest," was first published in his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859.

What actors and actresses appeared in Survival of the Fittest - 2000?

The cast of Survival of the Fittest - 2000 includes: John Cady as Kidnapper