A passive customer is someone who makes minimal contact with a company, typically only making purchases or using services when necessary without seeking out additional information or engaging in further interaction or feedback. These customers may not provide much feedback or input to the company about their experiences or preferences.
The passive form of "pull" is "be pulled."
== == "English grammer active and passive voice change from active to passive .
The passive form of "destroy" is "be destroyed."
The passive form of produce is "produced."
A passive customer is someone who makes minimal contact with a company, typically only making purchases or using services when necessary without seeking out additional information or engaging in further interaction or feedback. These customers may not provide much feedback or input to the company about their experiences or preferences.
There are seven types of passive voices 1 General Passive 2 Modal Passive 3 Journalistic Passive 4 Double object Passive 5 + ing Passive 6 + going to Passive 7 + want to Passive By H.K.Dalugama hkdalugama@yahoo.com
What is passive graphics in brief? In Passive Computer
"Your name is not known by me." is passive voice.
passive interest
What is a passive learning?
A capacitor is passive like a resistor is passive it performs no active amplification.