The Online Etymology Dictionary lists the word 'slang' as having been coined in 1756 to describe 'a special vocabulary of tramps or thieves'.
It is difficult to pinpoint an exact year when slang was invented, as it has likely evolved over centuries. Slang has been used by various cultures and communities for a long time as a way to communicate informally and establish group identity.
Slang has been around for centuries, with origins difficult to pinpoint. It likely developed organically over time as a way for individuals and communities to create their own unique language expressions and identities. The evolution of slang continues today with new terms constantly emerging and evolving.
The origins of Cockney Rhyming Slang are uncertain, and it's difficult to attribute its invention to one individual. It developed in the East End of London among the working-class community in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It is believed to have been a code language used to prevent outsiders from understanding conversations.
Slang has been a part of language for centuries, with the use of informal and unconventional vocabulary dating back to ancient times. However, the popularity and widespread use of slang increased during the 20th century, particularly with the rise of urbanization and mass media, which allowed for the dissemination of slang words and phrases on a larger scale.
Back slang is a type of reverse language thought to have been invented in Victorian England by market sellers. To speak back slang, you just say the words backwards. Some of the terms have actually become modern words, such as "yob" or "yobo" for "boy" or "boyo." Here's a good link to a site where there are a lot of good back slang terms listed.
People invent slang.
There was slang five minutes after the first word was invented.
Slang has been around since we invented language. There isn't one person who invented it - it just evolves naturally as people speak.
Always. People started inventing slang as soon as they invented language.
Slang has always been around, since we first invented talking.
It has never actually been invented its just a slang term for 'I don't know'.
It is difficult to pinpoint an exact year when slang was invented, as it has likely evolved over centuries. Slang has been used by various cultures and communities for a long time as a way to communicate informally and establish group identity.
Let me answer this question by a question: Why was grammar invented?
Suspect this was invented by Jo Nesbo in Phantom
Slang has been around for centuries, with origins difficult to pinpoint. It likely developed organically over time as a way for individuals and communities to create their own unique language expressions and identities. The evolution of slang continues today with new terms constantly emerging and evolving.
It is not known who invented the name dork. The term originated in the 1950's and was originally used as a slang word for penis.
The origins of Cockney Rhyming Slang are uncertain, and it's difficult to attribute its invention to one individual. It developed in the East End of London among the working-class community in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It is believed to have been a code language used to prevent outsiders from understanding conversations.