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The sentence "She quickly ran to the store to buy some groceries" contains a correctly used modifier in italic.

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Q: Which sentence below contains a correctly used modifier in italic?
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I don't think you looked up the definition of that word very well. Italic is a type of font for printing.This sentence is in italic print.

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The sentence I'm writing is in ITALIC.This sentence isn't."italic" or "cursive" means a type of handwriting or a type of font where the letters slant to the right.The font attributes icons in Microsoft Word try to represent this font attribute graphically, with the letter B in bold for bold, I in italic for italic, etc., or in the font styles dialog box, the style names for these attributes will be shown with the attributes applied to them, like "Bold" and "Italic".

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Sentence with degenerate(Italic) words: that is a cool question dude!Corrected: That is a noteworthy question.

How do you use the word typeface in a sentence?

In a bibliography, the name of a book is often set in italic typeface.

What is italics?

Italics is when the letters in a word or sentence are slightly tilted. Italics describes the type of font used.

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[i] Italic Text [/i]

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Italic League was created in 1454.

Which CSS property can be used to configure italic text?

Use font-style: italic

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Is probability a italic?

No, it is not.

What is bold italic text?

This text is normalThis text is in boldThis is normal italicThis is bold italic

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the italic tribe