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Temporal lobe

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The temporal lobe is especially involved in the comprehension of spoken language in humans. It plays a key role in processing auditory information and language comprehension, making it essential for understanding and interpreting speech.

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Q: Which lobe seems to be especially involved in the comprehension of spoken language in humans?
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Can cats learn language?

Cats have limited ability to learn and understand human language. While they may associate certain words or phrases with actions or rewards, they do not have the same level of language comprehension as humans. However, they are excellent at communicating with humans through their own vocalizations and body language.

Does Koko really understand sign language?

Koko, the famous gorilla, was known for her ability to communicate using American Sign Language. However, there is debate among experts about the extent to which she truly understood language as humans do. Some argue that her signs were mostly imitative or conditioned responses, while others believe she had some level of comprehension.

What was Chomsky's criticism of structural linguists?

Chomsky criticized structural linguists for focusing on surface structures and observable language data rather than exploring the underlying mental structures that govern language production and comprehension. He argued that a deeper understanding of the universal principles and rules of language could only be achieved by studying the innate cognitive mechanisms that enable humans to acquire and use language.

What does the oral gesture theory suggets about the origin of language?

The oral gesture theory suggests that language may have evolved from a combination of manual gestures and vocalizations used by early humans to communicate. This theory posits that the precursor to language involved both hand gestures and sounds, which eventually led to the development of fully fledged spoken language.

Did early humans use sign language to comunicate?

It is possible that early humans used some form of sign language to communicate before the development of spoken language. However, there is limited evidence to definitively prove this. Some research suggests that gestures and body language may have played a role in early human communication.

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Can cats learn language?

Cats have limited ability to learn and understand human language. While they may associate certain words or phrases with actions or rewards, they do not have the same level of language comprehension as humans. However, they are excellent at communicating with humans through their own vocalizations and body language.

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Does Koko really understand sign language?

Koko, the famous gorilla, was known for her ability to communicate using American Sign Language. However, there is debate among experts about the extent to which she truly understood language as humans do. Some argue that her signs were mostly imitative or conditioned responses, while others believe she had some level of comprehension.

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What was Chomsky's criticism of structural linguists?

Chomsky criticized structural linguists for focusing on surface structures and observable language data rather than exploring the underlying mental structures that govern language production and comprehension. He argued that a deeper understanding of the universal principles and rules of language could only be achieved by studying the innate cognitive mechanisms that enable humans to acquire and use language.

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What makes humans different from others?

Humans have a complex language and thumbs. Their language is the most complex language, because they use symbols and they communicate with them perfectly.

Who made up language?

Humans were the first to invent language!

What is a human?

A human is a member of the Homo sapiens species, characterized by bipedal locomotion, complex language, and the ability to think abstractly. Humans are known for their advanced cognitive abilities, cultural diversity, and adaptability to various environments.

What are the release dates for No Humans Involved - 1993?

No Humans Involved - 1993 was released on: USA: 3 September 1993 (Telluride Film Festival)

What does the oral gesture theory suggets about the origin of language?

The oral gesture theory suggests that language may have evolved from a combination of manual gestures and vocalizations used by early humans to communicate. This theory posits that the precursor to language involved both hand gestures and sounds, which eventually led to the development of fully fledged spoken language.

Language as a tool of communication?

Language as a system of communication that enables humans to cooperate. Humans use it to express objects in their environment.