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Italian developed from Latin, particularly the Tuscan dialect of the Late Middle Ages. Over time, it evolved into a distinct language with its own grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

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Q: Which language was Italian developed from?
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When was the Italian language developed?

The Italian language was not developed. It evolved naturally from Latin, becoming distinct from Latin sometime during the 10th Century.

Which extinct language is the mother of the Italian language?

Latin is the extinct language that is the mother of the Italian language. Italian developed from Vulgar Latin which was spoken in the region that is now Italy. Over time, Latin evolved into the distinctive language known today as Italian.

In what city was the Italian language born?

The Italian language originated in Florence, Italy during the Middle Ages. It developed from Latin and various regional dialects spoken in different parts of the Italian peninsula.

Who influenced modern Italian Language?

Italian, like French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian, is a Romance language; that is a language derived from Vulgar Latin, a mixture of Latin and local languages which developed in parallel with classical Latin.

Which ancient language was spoken in the roman empire and became a basis of french spanish and portuguese?

Latin was the language spoken by the ancient Romans and became the basis for the Romance languages, which are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian. The word "romance" in referring to the languages and cultures of certain European countries, does not mean the hearts and flowers stuff, such as in the "romance" novels. It is an adjective derived from the word Roman or Rome.

What language family are French Italian and spanish part of?

French, Italian, and Spanish are all part of the Romance language family, which developed from Latin.

Did Italian language come from spanish language?

No, Italian and Spanish are both Romance languages that evolved from Latin, but they developed independently of each other. Italian originated in modern-day Italy, while Spanish originated in the Iberian Peninsula.

Why did Italians have to speak italian?

Italians didn't have to speak Italian, just as English people didn't have to speak English. They spoke these languages because the language developed in their area naturally.

Who was the inventor of the Italian language?

No one person invents a language. many thousands of years ago, humans started communicating with oral sounds, and ever since then, those sounds have evolved amoung people in different places. Before Italian developed into what it now is, there were Latin and other languages spoken on the Italian peninsula. People in and around Rome a couple of thousand years ago spoke Latin, and Italian developed mostly from Latin.

What is Italian language and literature?

Italian language and literatute. :P

Who had Italian as there first language?

The Italians had Italian as their first language.

Italian is a race not a language.?

Actually, Italian is a language, not a race. It is the official language of Italy and is spoken by millions of people around the world. Italian people refer to their nationality as "Italian" rather than a race.