Slang is the informal usage of vocabulary; i.e money could be informally said as 'dosh'. Slang is also known as inappropriate language, i.e: a swear word.
"Balunctious" is not a standard English word and does not have a specific definition in the dictionary. It may be a made-up or slang term with no widely recognized meaning.
"Dat" is not a standard word in the dictionary. It is often used informally as a colloquial or slang term for "that."
You can find the definition of the word 'loogie' in online dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford Dictionaries. These websites provide definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples for various words, including 'loogie'.
There is no widely recognized definition for the term "lisher." It may be a regional dialect or slang that is not commonly used.
This is the word's denotation
This is not a slang word anywhere that I can find. The definition in the dictionary is the only one I have ever seen used for the word "idle."
The Urban Dictionary lists the definition for the word 'compa' as meaning pal or compadre. It is a Spanish slang word that can also mean a political ally.
The dictionary definition of a word
There isn't a specific definition of "Yucker." It could be a made-up term or a slang word with a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
One may find the definition of the word "broadcaster" by using a variety of online websites. These include "Merriam-Webster", "Dictionary" and "Wiktionary". A fun site for slang uses is "Urban Dictionary".
The only word is yuked, which is in the slang dictionary. The definition is "to vomit".
According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of the term "check it" is to look at this or listen to this. You can find the definition of more slang words and terms online at the Urban Dictionary website.
The connotation of a word is its literal dictionary definition. The denotation of a word is its inferred meaning.
"Balunctious" is not a standard English word and does not have a specific definition in the dictionary. It may be a made-up or slang term with no widely recognized meaning.
There is no word "sexisphere" in the dictionary or on the Urban Slang site. It may be regional slang.
There is not one. Slang, by definition is usually vulgar.