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Passive tense allows us to put someone or something that is not the actor first in a sentence - in the position of subject.

The cat was chased. (by the dog) - passive

The dog chased the cat - active.

We use the passive tense without the actor if the actor is not important or not known.

The Mona Lisa was painted in the 16th century.

Help! The post office has been robbed!

The passive allows us to leave the actor until the end of the sentence, if the actor is important.

The painting is very valuable, it was painted by Van Gogh.

Passive is usually used to write about a process where it is not important who does the action of the verb eg

Tea is grown in large plantations. The leaves are picked and dried. -- here it is not important who grows the Tea or who picked the leaves

To form a passive sentence:

be +past particle. eg is used/was eaten / is being asked

The road is being built this year.

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5mo ago

The passive voice is used when the action performed by the subject is more important than the subject itself, or when the speaker/writer wants to emphasize the recipient of the action. It is also used to omit the doer of the action or to be more formal or objective in tone.

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