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French students usually start learning a third language, such as Spanish, German, or Italian, in middle school around the age of 11 or 12. This is typically part of the curriculum to develop their language skills and cultural awareness.

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Q: When do French students learn a 3rd language?
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Do more countries speak spanish or french?

More countries speak Spanish than French. Spanish is an official language in 21 countries, primarily in Central and South America, while French is an official language in 29 countries, primarily in Africa and Europe.

What language is easiest to learn if you are fluent in English and spanish English and spanish are my mother tongues and im fluent in both. What will be the easiest 3rd languages?

Given your fluency in English and Spanish, languages such as Italian, French, or Portuguese might be easier to learn due to their similarity in vocabulary and grammar structures. These languages belong to the same language family, which can help you grasp them more easily compared to languages from different language families.

When do German students start to learn a foreign language?

In Germany, students typically start learning a foreign language in primary school, usually in the third or fourth grade. The most commonly taught foreign languages are English, French, and sometimes Spanish. However, the exact starting age and language choice can vary between different states and schools.

Is French considered to be one of the international languages?

Yes, French is considered to be one of the international languages. It is an official language in many international organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, and the International Red Cross. French is also widely spoken and studied around the world.

What language is easier to learn French or German?

This can vary from person to person, but many people find French easier than German due to its simpler grammar rules and pronunciation. Additionally, French vocabulary is similar to English in many cases. However, both languages have their challenges, so it ultimately depends on your personal learning style and goals.

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What languages do French students learn?

In the French province of Québec in Canada, English is taught from a very young age in school. I graduated from HS in 2004 and I was taught English starting in the 3rd grade. I'm not sure how it works in France.

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The 3rd basic NCTM goal is : Learn to communicate mathematically

What languages are spoken in Tunis Tunisia?

In Tunisia, they mostly speak arabic. As France made their empire on Africa, Tunisia was part of the French Empire. So as you can guess, they speak french. They usually learn this at the age of 8. If they surpass this, then they most likely go ahead to learn a 3rd language, English.They speak Arabic just like some of the other countries in Africa

Do more countries speak spanish or french?

More countries speak Spanish than French. Spanish is an official language in 21 countries, primarily in Central and South America, while French is an official language in 29 countries, primarily in Africa and Europe.

What language is easiest to learn if you are fluent in English and spanish English and spanish are my mother tongues and im fluent in both. What will be the easiest 3rd languages?

Given your fluency in English and Spanish, languages such as Italian, French, or Portuguese might be easier to learn due to their similarity in vocabulary and grammar structures. These languages belong to the same language family, which can help you grasp them more easily compared to languages from different language families.

Is it easy to learn English if your first language is Russian?

Well, that depends on how your gonna learn, English is my 3rd language, and it was easy for me because i learned by listening to English, cz i live in America, but i was fluent in English after about 6 months of being in America. so hope that answered your question!

When do German students start to learn a foreign language?

In Germany, students typically start learning a foreign language in primary school, usually in the third or fourth grade. The most commonly taught foreign languages are English, French, and sometimes Spanish. However, the exact starting age and language choice can vary between different states and schools.

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Is French considered to be one of the international languages?

Yes, French is considered to be one of the international languages. It is an official language in many international organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, and the International Red Cross. French is also widely spoken and studied around the world.

What are the best reasons to learn how to speak Portuguese?

Different people have different reasons why they decide to learn a foreign language. So the "why" is very personal. Never the less if i was making a presentation of a Portuguese Language course i would point the main reasons to learn this language to be:1st - Portuguese language is represented in the 4 major continents - Asia, Europe, Africa and America;2nd - Portuguese is the native language of 10 countries - Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe and Macau;3rd - Portuguese is the 5th most spoken language in the world.This means that if you learn Portuguese you can communicate (travel, doing business, study, etc) with all Portuguese speaking countries (which are a lot). So its a very useful language. Other reasons my be connected with the beauty of the language itself, after all it is a language that belongs to the Romance Languages.