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The words include

sleigh, weigh, neigh, neighbor

eight, eighty, freight, weight, weighty

inveigle, inveigh,

deign, reign, feign, feint

rein, seine, vein, veil, surveillance


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9mo ago

Two common words with a long a sound spelled "ei" are "vein" and "weight."

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Q: What words have a long a sound spelled ei?
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Does might have a long I sound?

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What words have a long I sound spelled ei?

eider, eiderdown, eidetic, eigenvalue, einsteinium feisty gesundheit height, heist kaleidoscope meitnerium neither (or long E) poltergeist seismograph, seismic, stein zeitgeist

How is the long a sound spelled?

The long "a" sound can be spelled in several ways: "a-e" as in "cake," "ea" as in "great," "ai" as in "train," and "ei" as in "reindeer."

Is there a word spelled with ei that has a long i sound?

There are several, mostly from German: eider, eiderdown, eidetic, eigenvalue, einsteinium feisty gesundheit height, heist kaleidoscope meitnerium neither (or long E) poltergeist seismograph, seismic, stein zeitgeist

Does the word eight have a short a or long a?

The EI pair has a long A (ay) sound, so that eight is pronounced the same as ate. The EI have this same sound in the words weigh (way) and weight (wait).

What words have a short e sound but are spelled with ei?

There are relatively few such words, mostly from French. They include: heifer nonpareil ...and one English pronunciation each of "peignoir" (pen-wah) and of "seiche" (sech) whose alternates have a more-common long A sound.

What are some words with ei that make the long e sound?

Depending on where you are from: either neither

What words that sound like an ei?


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Does relieve have a long E sound?

Yes, "relieve" is pronounced with a long E sound at the beginning.

What are some words with the long e sound?

Words with the long E sound are spelled with E, AE, EA, EE, EI, IE, or an ending Y:agreebeatcarry (y often has the long e sound)deep , departeelfeelingsgeesehealivy (y = long e)jeep, jeanskeep, keyleave, lethal, litermeat , mediateneedleonlypeacequeen, queasyreason, retreatsea, see, seasonteen, teeth, teamunique ( i = long e)veal , venialwe, wheat, wheel,yeast, yieldzeal, zebrastoryhistory

Do neighbor have a long a sound?

Yes, but there is no letter a in the word. The O in the last syllable is long.