"Koekjespot" is a Dutch word that starts with the letter "k" and has 10 letters. It means "cookie jar" in English.
There are total of 4 letters in this word.
There are 10 letters in the word "California."
There are 13 letters in the word Massachusetts.
Yes, the word "pirate" starts with a consonant, "p." In English, consonants are all the letters of the alphabet except for the vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
Aye is a word whose meaning is similar to that of 'yes', and that starts with the letters 'ay-',
The first word in the dictionary that starts with the letters sir is the word "sir".
The answer is "Post Office". The word"Post" starts with "P", the word "Office" ends with "E". There are 10 letters in the word, but there are millions of letters in the place, Post Office.
gweilo, gwyniad
What is a word that starts with E and end in W and has 11 letters