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A diphthong is a complex speech sound or glide that begins with one vowel sound and changes to another within the same syllable. Words like "coin" and "loud" contain diphthongs.

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Q: What word has a diphthong?
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Is the word sound a diphthong?

No, the word "sound" is not a diphthong. It is a monophthong, as it contains a single vowel sound, represented by the 'ou' diphthong in this case.

What is the meaning of the term 'diphthong'?

A diphthong is a word that has two vowels in a single syllable. The sound moves forward from one vowel to another in the word. An example of a word that has a diphthong in it is the word feat.

What does the Latin word champitus mean?

That is not a Latin word. There is no "ch" diphthong in Latin.

How many clusters and diphthongs in the word drought?

The word "drought" has one consonant cluster "ght" at the end. It contains one diphthong, which is the vowel combination "ou."

Is y a diphthong?

No. A diphthong is a combination of two vowels that make a sound which glides between the two, but sounds like neither. The word Out contains an OU diphthong. The letter Y often combines with other vowels to make diphthongs, such as Boy, Toy, Joy, etc. However, by itself it cannot be a diphthong.

How would you use diphthong in a sentence?

In some languages, including older English, two adjacent vowels in a word that are pronounced as a single vowel sound are written with a special typographical character called a "diphthong" that incorporates parts of both single vowels.

How many syllables in the word Haiti?

There are two syllables in Haiti. The ai is a diphthong.

Is loyalty a vowel diphthong?

No, loyalty is a word. A diphthong is a sound where two or three vowel sounds are strung together and considered as one sound. There are three vowels in "loyalty": the o, a and final y. The "y" in the centre is a consonant. All three vowels are simple vowels. A diphthong is like the i in like: it is the two vowel sounds "ah" and "ee" strung together. To test this, say "Lah-eek" to someone and ask them to tell you what word you just said.

How many syllables in the word doubt?

1 syllable three phonemes (one is a diphthong)

What vowel sound is made in the word suit?

The vowel sound in the word "suit" is the diphthong /u/ as in "oo" in "boot".

How many vowel sounds in a diphthong syllable?

There are two vowel sounds in a diphthong, although there may be only one vowel.Two: the word "diphthong" comes from the Greek díphthongos, where di means two and phthongos means "sound" (another word that contains the Greek "di" is "dioxide", which means having two oxygen atoms).

Is coins a one-syllable word?

Yes. The O and I are what's called a "diphthong" and are pronounced together.