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The word "adjective" changes a noun by describing or adding more information about it.

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Q: What word changes a noun?
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What happens to a word when you add tion to it?

Adding -tion to the end of a word, usually a verb, changes it into a noun. Preparation is the act of preparing, and imagination is the act of imagining.

What type of noun is the word changes?

The noun 'changes' is the plural form for the noun 'change', a singular, common noun. The noun 'change' is an abstract noun as a word for an instance of making or becoming different, the act of replacing a thing with something else (a change of clothes). The noun 'change' is a concrete noun as a word for the money that you get back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something. There is no plural form for this use of the noun change.

Is changes a concrete noun?

The noun 'change' as a word for the process by which things become different; or a situation in which something becomes different or you make something different; is an abstractnoun.The noun 'change' as a word for a fresh set of clothing; the money that someone gives back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something; or coins rather than notes; is a concrete noun.

What is the word change when a plural?

The word changes from singular to plural by adding an "s" at the end of the word.

Is threshold an abstract noun?

The noun 'threshold' is an abstract noun as a word for a point of beginning; a level at which something happens or changes; a word for a concept.The noun 'threshold' is a concrete noun as a word for the section of wood or stone that lies under a door.

What is the suffix in hesitation and and how does it change the base word?

The suffix ion means the process of. It changes the word from a verb to a noun.

Is changes an abstract noun?

The noun 'change' is an abstract noun as a word for the act or instance of making or becoming different; a word for a concept.The noun 'change' is a concrete noun as a word for small amounts of money; a fresh set of clothes; a word for physical things.The word 'change' is also a verb.

When a suffix changes a noun into a verb it's said to change the of the word.?


When a suffix changes a noun into a verb it's said to change the of the word?


What is the suffix of the word acquittal?

-al. It changes the verb "aquit" into a noun.

Is larva a pronoun noun verb or an adjective?

The word 'larva' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for an immature form of an insect that will go through a series of changes (metamorphosis) to attain adulthood. The word 'larva' is a word for a thing.

What is the only word in the English language that when capitalized is changed from a noun or a verb to a nationality?

The word "polish" changes from a verb or a noun to a nationality when capitalized as "Polish."