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Before the time of the Norman conquest we call the dark ages because life was hard grim and barbaric with invasions wars high mortality rate disease witchcraft myth legends festivals strange beliefs ordeals by fire ordeals by water people tied to stakes and burnt alive the Celts and other tribes were living in Britain and history was not written as it is today so not a lot of true facts can be found as storys were told to keep the events alive and remembered for long times to come there were many kingdoms spread all over the country each with its own king to rule over that kingdom and this is much of how life remained for a very long time until William the conqueror invaded in 1066 and the dark ages were finally over and british history as we know ut today began to be written and kept a record of so it is fact and not a legend handed down through word of mouth as had always beeen the case before this time.

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Before 1066, everyday life was primarily agrarian, with the majority of people living in small villages and working on farms. Society was hierarchical, with a dominant feudal system, and the church playing a central role in people's lives. Communication and travel were limited, and most people had a strong connection to their local community and relied on subsistence farming for their livelihood.

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