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The types of pronouns, whether nominative, objective or possessive, are first, second and third person, singular and plural, masculine, feminine and neutral.

Nominative first person singular: I

Nominative first person plural: we

Second person: you

Nominative third person singular masculine: he

Nominative third person singular feminine: she

Nominative third person singular neutral: it

Nominative third person plural: they

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5mo ago

Some examples of nominative pronouns include I, you, he, she, we, and they. These pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence.

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Is the word him a nominative pronoun?

No, the word "him" is an objective pronoun, not a nominative pronoun. Nominative pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence, while objective pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition.

What type of pronoun is 'she'?

a nominative pronoun.

Is her a predicate nominative?

No, a predicate nominative must be a subjective pronoun. The pronoun 'her' is an objective pronoun. A predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. Example: It was she who told me. (the pronoun 'she' is restating the subject 'it')

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She/he is not a nominative pronoun. "She" and "he" are subjective or nominative pronouns, used as the subject of a sentence.

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The nominative pronoun is it, the subject of the sentence.

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The first person-singular nominative case personal pronoun is called "I."

Are the sentence where were you are pronoun predicate nominative?

No, "where were you" is a question, not a sentence with a pronoun predicate nominative. A pronoun predicate nominative is a pronoun that renames the subject of a sentence. An example would be, "She is my sister" with "sister" being the predicate nominative.

Is them nominative?

No, the personal pronoun 'them' is an objective pronoun that takes the place of a plural noun (or two or more nouns) as the object of a verb or a preposition.The corresponding plural, nominative pronoun is 'they'.Examples:I will give them a call to see if theycan come.The pronoun 'them' is the direct object of the verb 'will give'.The pronoun 'they' is the subject of the second part of the compound sentence.

Is the pronoun who a nominative case?

Yes, the pronoun 'who' is a nominative case relative pronoun and interrogative pronoun. The corresponding objective case pronoun is 'whom'.EXAMPLESinterrogative pronoun: Who gave you the flowers?relative pronoun: The man who lives next door gave me the flowers from his garden.

Nola and I prepared dinner for the family. How is the nominative pronoun used in the sentence?

The nominative pronoun "I" is part of the compound subject of the sentence.

What are examples of nominative pronouns in a sentence?

Examples of nominative pronouns include "I", "you", "he", "she", "it", "we", and "they". In a sentence, these pronouns typically serve as the subject performing the action. For instance, "He went to the store" uses the nominative pronoun "He" as the subject.