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"For whom you left the message" is a prepositional phrase.

A clause needs a subject and a predicate, which "for whom you left the message" lacks. It could be turned into a independent clause by messing around with the sentence to furnish one. A simple example would be, "For whom DID you leave the message? This would provide a verb and complete sentence.

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This is a dependent relative clause, specifically an interrogative relative clause. It is modifying the noun "whom" and providing additional information about "you." The clause asks about the person for whom the message was left.

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What kind of clause is whom mr.stein chose?

The clause "whom Mr. Stein chose" is a relative clause. It starts with the relative pronoun "whom" and provides more information about the noun "Mr. Stein."

What type of pronoun is used to show the connection between the antecedent and the subordinate clause of a sentence demonstrative indefinite relative interrogative?

The type of pronoun used to show the connection between the antecedent and the subordinate clause of a sentence is a relative pronoun. Relative pronouns include words like "who," "that," "which," and "whom," and connect the subordinate clause to the antecedent.

How can you determine whether to use who or whom in a relative clause?

Use "who" when referring to the subject of a sentence and "whom" when referring to the object. To determine which to use in a relative clause, rephrase the clause in a complete sentence. If the pronoun is the subject, use "who"; if it's the object, use "whom."

What is a Introductory word of the adjective clause?

An introductory word of an adjective clause is a word that introduces the clause and provides context for the noun it is modifying. Common introductory words include who, which, that, whose, whom, where, and when.

Can you give you sentence about relative clause?

A relative clause adds more information about the noun it relates to. Examples:The woman who called was a coworker.The person to whom I gave the report was the manager.The student whose bike was stolen was very upset.

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The adjective clause is in bold: "He is the one for whom the message was intended.", used to describe the predicate nominative 'one'.

Are whom and who nominative pronouns?

The pronoun 'who' is a nominative pronoun which functions as a subject in a sentence.The pronoun 'whom' is an objective pronoun which functions as an object in a sentence.Examples:The person who called left this message. (nominative, subject of the relative clause)To whom do I give my completed application? (objective, object of the preposition 'to')

Which type of pronoun shows the connection of an antecedent and a subordinate clause in a sentence?

A relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that)relates a relative clause to the antecedent.

How do you send a message to your friend on facebook?

Simply go to the message section, type the name of your facebook friend to whom you want to send message in the 'to' box. Type the message and simply send it.

What kind of clause is whom mr.stein chose?

The clause "whom Mr. Stein chose" is a relative clause. It starts with the relative pronoun "whom" and provides more information about the noun "Mr. Stein."

What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters in this sentence For WHOM did he say the package was left?

In the example sentence, the pronoun 'whom' is an interrogative pronoun, a pronoun that introduces a question.The interrogative pronouns are: who, whom, what, which, whose.The pronoun 'whom' is the only objective interrogative pronoun; in the example sentence, 'whom' is the object of the preposition 'for'.Note: The pronoun 'whom' also functions as a relative pronoun, a pronoun that introduces a relative clause which 'relates' to the noun antecedent.The relative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, which, that.Example: The person for whom the package came no longer lives here. (The relative clause 'relates' to the antecedent 'person'.)

Whom is the message from?

The pronoun 'whom' is incorrect. The pronoun 'whom' is an objective pronoun that functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.EXAMPLESWho is the message from? (subjective pronoun 'who' is the subject of the sentence)ORFrom whom is the message. (The objective pronoun 'whom' is the object of the preposition 'from')

What does an adjective clause begin with?

An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun, such as who, whom, whose, which, that, when, or where.

What are the four words in which a noun clause can be introduced?

The words that introduce a noun clause are the relative pronouns; they are: who, whom, whose, which, that.Example: The person to whom you give the application is the manager.

What type of pronoun is used to show the connection between the antecedent and the subordinate clause of a sentence demonstrative indefinite relative interrogative?

The type of pronoun used to show the connection between the antecedent and the subordinate clause of a sentence is a relative pronoun. Relative pronouns include words like "who," "that," "which," and "whom," and connect the subordinate clause to the antecedent.

Does relative clause always introduce by a relative pronoun?

Vice versa: a relative pronoun (which, that, who, whom, whose) introduces a relative clause.A relative clause can also be introduced by a relative adverb (where, when, why), or a zero relative sometimes called contact clauses (the relative clause directly follows the noun to which it relates with no introductory word).Examplesrelative pronoun: The man who called left a message for you.relative adverb: The place where I bought the carhad many to choose relative: The movie we saw was 'A Wonderful Life'.

What type of pronoun is the word whom?

The pronoun 'whom' is the objective form for the subjective form 'who'.The pronouns 'whom' and 'who' are interrogative pronouns when introducing a question, and relative pronouns when introducing a relative clause (a group of words that includes a subject and a verb that relates to a another noun or a pronoun in the sentence).Examples:interrogative pronoun: To whom do I give my completed application form? (object of the preposition 'to')relative pronoun: The one to whom you give your application is the manager. (the clause relates to the subject pronoun 'one')