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When is.

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Q: What two word make the conjunction when's?
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Related questions

What is the term for two words that make one word?

The term for two words that make one word is a compound word.

What is as if?

"As if" is a two word subordinating conjunction.

What is the Conjunction word linking echo and pot?

The conjunction word linking "echo" and "pot" could be "and".

What is a 'conjunction?

a word that joins two sentences

Is conjunction a noun?

Yes, "conjunction" is a noun. It refers to a word used to connect clauses or sentences, such as "and," "but," or "or."

What is an example sentence with the word conjunction in it?

The comet will be visible in the night sky due to the rare conjunction of two planets.

Is 'the' a conjunction?

No, the word 'the' is an article, a type of determiner. A conjunction is a word that joins two clauses of a sentence, or two words having the same function.

What is the word that describes the joining of two words?


Is with a conjunction?

No, "with" is a preposition, not a conjunction. It is used to show the relationship between two elements in a sentence.

Is until a compound word?

No, the word "until" is not a compound word. It is used as a conjunction and preposition.A compound word is a word that is composed of two or more different words that are combined to make a new word.

Can the word or be a coordinating conjunction?

Yes, the word "or" can be a coordinating conjunction when used to connect two alternatives in a sentence. It is often used to present a choice between two options.

What is the word that joins to simple sentences?

The word that joins two simple sentences is a conjunction.