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Alek Batz

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3y ago
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10mo ago

रोबोट के उपयोग में शामिल हैं: कारखानों में स्वर्गिकभाव या खतरनाक कामों के लिए उपयोग, अस्पतालों में रोगी देखभाल में सहायकता, विज्ञान और अनुसंधान क्षेत्र में वैज्ञानिक काम.

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Q: What the uses of robot in Hindi Uses of robot in Hindi?
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What are some uses of an IRobot?

There are many uses of I robots. Some uses are for docking stations. Other uses are for products such as a robot vacuum, or a robot nurse in hospitals!

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Indian elephants are used for transport or maybe even food

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What are negative uses of a robot?

Negative uses would be, If you get a robot to do everything for you them you will grow lazy and also a malfunction may occur in the robot and you wont know how to fix it. Use commen sense and you will come up with nagative uses other than the ones im mentioning. Also, Some people may use a robot to do a crime or hurt someone. :)

What are the advantages of a homemade robot?

I have a disadvantage, Uses lots of energy

What 3 things make a robot a robot?

What makes a robot is its computer brain and its way to work in its enviornment. It uses its brain to interact with its surroundings.

What is Hindi word for communication?

Durbhasa is the word for Communication. Hindi also uses baat cheet.

Who uses the monkey as a symbol?

Hindi ko alam eh

What is the difference between Urdu and Hindi alphabets?

Urdu uses a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.Hindi uses the Devanāgarī alphasyllabary (not actually an alphabet)

What is Hindi translation of ambulance?

Tatkalin seva yatayat yantra is Hindi translation of ambulance. No one uses this word today.