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The second.

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5mo ago

In the word "protect," the stress is on the first syllable, "pro-".

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Q: What syllable are stresses in the word protect?
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Yes, the word 'stress' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'stress' is a word for a measurable pressure or tension exerted on an object; a word for a state of mental or emotional strain or tension; a word for a thing.Examples:There's a lot of stress associated with his job. (noun)We need to stress the importance of the regulation. (verb)

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no word it isn't possible because if you take away one syllable from a five syllable word you get a four syllable word and there is no such thing as a "no syllable word"

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The word bruised only has one syllable. This means the whole word is the syllable and so there are no syllable breaks.

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The syllable break in the word "hole" is at the end of the word, making it a single syllable word.

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The stressed syllable in the word "morning" is the first syllable, which is "mor."