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Before using dead reckoning to reach your objective, you should have the initial position and heading accurately known, as well as a method to track the time and distance traveled. Additionally, it is important to account for factors such as wind, currents, and other environmental conditions that may affect your navigation.

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Q: What should be pre-determined before using dead reckoning to reach your objectiv?
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What should be pre-determined before using dead reckoning to reach your objective.?

Distance and azimuth.

What should be pre-determined before using dead reckoning to reach your objective?

Before using dead reckoning, you should pre-determine your starting point, destination, heading or course to follow, and the speed at which you will be traveling. It is also important to account for any factors that may affect your direction or speed, such as wind or currents, in order to accurately navigate using dead reckoning.

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