Sure, could you please provide me with the sentence you would like the word "to" to be used in?
A word that can be used to join two parts of a sentence is called a conjunction. Examples include "and," "but," and "or."
A caret symbol (^) is commonly used to indicate that a word or phrase should be removed from a sentence.
Some words that start with "pre" that can be used in a sentence are: preheat, predict, prevent, and prescribe.
Please provide the sentence in which you would like the word "child's" used.
The steam forms a shapeless cloud over the spout of the kettle when the water boils.
You just used the word acolytes in a sentence. Even saying, "can the word acolytes be used in a sentence", you are using that word in a sentence.
The word "incidentally" can be used at the end of a sentence. You can make the sentence "This was done incidentally.".
A fill spout on a Chevy Suburban is used as the inlet for filling an FIBC.
You just used it in a sentence.
This is your umpteenth request for a word to be used in a sentence.
No, factor is a word that can be used in a sentence.
This is a simple sentence.
you just used it in a sentence
Plastic is generally the plastic material that is used for spout caps. The materials used for spout caps must be non-permiable and must be strong enough to withstand many types of liquids.
The word sentence was first used in the Middle Ages. Back then, it meant sense.
Daisies dancing as dewdrops down the rain-spout is an example of alliteration. Her constant use of alliteration meant Mike endured many miserable meetings.