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The sentence is a run-on sentence. Add a semi-colon after "1800s" or split the sentence from there on into a new sentence.

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4mo ago

The sentence should have a comma after "inventions" to separate the two independent clauses. It should read: "You can be proud of all the American inventions that have been produced throughout the 1800s, the list is long and very impressive."

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Q: What punctuation error is in the sentence You can be proud of all the american inventions that have been produced throughout the 1800s the list is long and very impressive?
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What are the 2 punctuation styles?

The two main punctuation styles are American style and British style. American style places periods and commas inside the closing quotation marks, while British style places them outside unless they are part of the quoted material.

Is punctuation placed inside or outside of quotation marks?

In American English, most punctuation marks are placed inside quotation marks. However, in British English, punctuation marks are placed outside the quotation marks unless they are part of the quoted material.

Is the word period the same as fullstop?

In British English, "full stop" is used to refer to the punctuation mark (.), while "period" is the term used in American English. Both words are commonly used interchangeably to denote the same punctuation mark.

What rules apply to quotation marks inside punctuation marks?

The same punctuation is used inside of quotation marks as is used outside of quotation marks.

What differences are there between American English and Canadian English in punctuation and grammar?

One main difference between American English and Canadian English in punctuation is the use of single vs. double quotation marks for direct speech. In American English, double quotation marks are more common, while in Canadian English, single quotation marks are often used. In terms of grammar, Canadian English tends to follow British English more closely, using British spellings and certain grammatical preferences such as the use of "whilst" instead of "while". Additionally, Canadian English may feature more influence from French language, particularly in Quebec.

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