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Present-day regions of the southwestern United States, including parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, made up most of the Spanish Borderlands. These areas were characterized by Spanish exploration, colonization, and missionary activities during the colonial period.

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Q: What present-day regions of the united state made up most of the spanish borderland?
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What is some examples of linguistic regions?

Some examples of linguistic regions include English-speaking regions in the United States, Spanish-speaking regions in Mexico, and French-speaking regions in Quebec, Canada. These regions are characterized by a predominant language spoken by the local population.

Why do people speak Spanish in the southwest?

Spanish is spoken in the southwest United States due to its history of Spanish colonization and settlement. Areas such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California have strong Spanish influences from the past, which have led to the continued use of the language in these regions.

How many countries in the northern hemisphere speak spanish as their second language?

Several countries in the northern hemisphere speak Spanish as their second language, including the United States, Canada, and some countries in Europe. These countries have significant Spanish-speaking populations due to migration and historical ties with Spanish-speaking regions.

What does estadounidense mean in spanish?

"Estadounidense" is the Spanish word for someone from the United States, commonly referred to as an American.

Should Spanish be the official language?

The choice of an official language depends on the context and cultural diversity of the country. In Spanish-speaking countries or regions, it may make sense for Spanish to be the official language to reflect the predominant language spoken. However, it is important to also consider the rights and needs of linguistic minorities in order to promote inclusivity and diversity.

Related questions

What is some examples of linguistic regions?

Some examples of linguistic regions include English-speaking regions in the United States, Spanish-speaking regions in Mexico, and French-speaking regions in Quebec, Canada. These regions are characterized by a predominant language spoken by the local population.

Where in Georgia where are Spanish missions established?

Spanish missions were never established in Georgia. The mission system was established in the southwest and western regions of the United States in the 1700's.

According to Census 2000 which language was spoken more than any other language group in all regions?

According to Census 2000, Spanish was spoken more than any other language group in all regions of the United States.

Who is the presentday vice-president?

The 44th President of the United States is Barack Obama. President Obama was in office from January 20, 2009 to the present (2010). Joe Biden is the Vice President.

What regions did spanish explorers travel?

Spanish explorers traveled extensively throughout the Western Hemisphere. The conquistadores traveled as far north as the western portion of the present-day United States to the southernmost regions of the present-day countries of Chile and Argentina. The Spanish also sailed through the Pacific and reached the Philippines.

Why do people speak Spanish in the southwest?

Spanish is spoken in the southwest United States due to its history of Spanish colonization and settlement. Areas such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California have strong Spanish influences from the past, which have led to the continued use of the language in these regions.

Where was the Spanish Borderlands located?

The Spanish colonial frontier until the arrival of the United States, the Borderlands stretched from Latin America through California and the coastal regions up to Alaska, but disappeared with the independence of Mexico.

How many ways is Spanish spoken in Mexico?

Several, depending on regions and specific states. This pronunciation can be as varied as the American dialects found throughout the United States.

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How many federal agency regions in the United States

Who were the first white settlers in Florida?

Indians or Native Americans Come on now, people deserve to have there questions taken seriously. Why not leave the PC stuff to television? Founded by Spaniards in 1559, Pensacola, Florida was the first European settlement, not only in Florida but in the (presentday) continental United States as well.

How many countries in the northern hemisphere speak spanish as their second language?

Several countries in the northern hemisphere speak Spanish as their second language, including the United States, Canada, and some countries in Europe. These countries have significant Spanish-speaking populations due to migration and historical ties with Spanish-speaking regions.

Which area of the US did the borderland of New Spain stretch across the northern area or the southern area?

the area across what is today northenr Mexico and the southern United States.