

Best Answer

Have your cake and eat it too.

dog and pony show

smoke and mirrors

bells and whistles

out and about

out of the frying pan and into the fire

eat someone out of house and home

on pins and needles

raining cats and dogs

full of vim and vigor

all dressed up and no place to go

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

time to get down and dirty

feeling down and out

compare apples and Oranges

time to cut and run

(a situation is) cut and dried

tall, dark and handsome

divide and conquer

in one ear and out the other

dot the i's and cross the t's

an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

play fast and loose

mind one's p's and q's

all work and no play

all brawn and no brains

fire and brimstone

high and dry

sticks and stones may break my bones . . .

the birds and the bees

all hot and bothered

all high and mighty

lock, stock and barrel

a day late and a dollar short

all bark and no bite

(to give) a big song and dance (meaning a big excuse)

sugar and spice

see and be seen

swallow hook, line and sinker

up and running

wake up and smell the coffee

wear and tear

wheel and deal

grin and bear it

a mover and a shaker

all blood and guts

(to) nickel and dime (someone)

tried and true

black and blue

black and white

penny-wise and pound-foolish

shake and bake

play cat and mouse

all fun and games

alive and kicking

a meat and potatoes man

in like a lion and out like a lamb

locked and loaded

ready and willing

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5mo ago

"Rock and roll", "Salt and pepper", "Trial and error", "Bride and groom".

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