The word "useful" is an adjective because it can describe/modify nouns.
The part of speech that the word useful is, is an adjective.
The word "useful" is an adjective in the phrase "quite useful" as it describes the noun it is modifying.
The word "impractical" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that is not useful or realistic in a particular situation.
The part of speech for the word "boulevard" is a noun.
The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.
"Stroobly" is not a standard English word, so it does not have a designated part of speech.
The word "useful" is an adjective in the phrase "quite useful" as it describes the noun it is modifying.
Used is a verb (past tense of use) and an adjective (a used car).
as useful as " is conduction or what part of speech it is?
The word "impractical" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that is not useful or realistic in a particular situation.
Quite is an adverb; useful is an adjective.
The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.
The part of speech that the word my is used as is an adjective.
The part of speech for the word diplomacy is a noun.
The part of speech for the word civilian is English grammar.
H is a letter, not a word. To be a part of speech, it needs to be a word.
The part of speech for the word "boulevard" is a noun.
The word speech is a noun.