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The word eight is a noun. It is the written form of the digit 8.

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"Eight" is a noun when it represents the number, but can also function as an adjective when describing something, such as in "eight kittens."

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Q: What part of speech is eight?
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What part of speech is eight in We will meet you at eight?

A numeral turned into a noun.

What part of speech eight?

The word eight is a noun. It is the written form of the digit 8.

What is the part of speech of new?

Umm...there isnt really a new part of speech... There are only eight and they are: the verb the noun the pronoun the adjective the adverb the preposition the conjunction and the interjection

What part of speech is applicable?

In grammar, a part of speech categorizes words based on their function and meaning in a sentence. There are eight main parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each part of speech plays a different role in constructing sentences.

What is the eight part of human speech organ?

The eighth part of the human speech organ is the soft palate, also known as the velum. It plays a role in controlling the airflow through the oral and nasal cavities during speech production.

What does grammatical part?

It is most likely referring to the grammatical parts of speech.The eight parts of speech are:VerbsNounsAdjectivesAdverbsPronounsPropositionsConjunctionsInterjections

What does grammatical part mean?

It is most likely referring to the grammatical parts of speech.The eight parts of speech are:VerbsNounsAdjectivesAdverbsPronounsPropositionsConjunctionsInterjections

Eight figures of speech in English?

The eight parts of English speech, and examples are:verb: run, isnoun: house, childpronoun: he, sheadjective: small, ball-shaped (modifies a noun or pronoun)adverb: quickly, unfortunately (modifies other figures of speech)preposition: of, withoutconjunction: and, wheninterjection: yikes!, egads!Remember, a part of speech defines how a word is used, not what the word means.

What is the part of speech is answer?

The part of speech for "answer" is a noun.

How maeny part of spech?

There are eight parts of speech in English: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each part serves a specific grammatical function in a sentence.

What is the part of speech and definition of manufacture?

part of speech