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The subject of the sentence is "father," represented by the letter "C" on the diagram.

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Q: What letter on this diagram represents the subject of this sentence My father told us that we are moving in two weeks.?
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What is the subject of this sentence My father told us that we are moving in two weeks?

The subject of the sentence is "My father."

Her father was happy to have the kitten. Is Her father in this sentence a singular objective pronoun or singular subject pronoun?

"Her father" is a singular subject pronoun in this sentence. A subject pronoun performs the action in the sentence, while an object pronoun receives the action. In this case, "Her father" is performing the action of being happy to have the kitten.

What letter on this diagram represents the subject of this sentence my father told us we are moving in two weeks?

The pronoun in the sentence showing possession is my.The pronoun 'my' is a possessive adjective, a word placed before a noun to describe that noun as belonging to the person speaking.The corresponding possessive pronoun is mine.The possessive pronoun 'mine' takes the place of a noun that belongs to for the person speaking.Example: That father of mine told us that we are moving in two weeks.

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The subject of this sentence what be mother's music. My father refers to the thing that is associated with the main subject of the sentence, and relates to the music of the mother.

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'The owner of the bookstore' is the complete subject of the sentence, being the subject of the verb 'helped'.

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How would you diagram the sentence My father told us that we are moving in two weeks?

One possible diagram could be: Father | ---------------------------------- | | Told Moving | | | | Us In two weeks Each word is placed horizontally with lines connecting them to show the relationships between them.

How do you diagram the sentence Are you one of the cheerleaders?

"Are you one of the cheerleaders?" you put you as the subject and are as the predicate. Then you make a diagnal line under cheerleaders (as a modifier) an put "one" on it. After, you do that put your prepostional phrase under you example:. of father is the prepositional phrase! Hope this helped:D:)

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Child is the simple subject

When were your father born is this question correct I was told there is a grammar rule somewhere which says this question is possible please help?

I think you mean "When was your father born?"

Which option best represents the change of the following sentence from the passive to the active voice. My father was taught a great deal more than math by his eighth grade teacher?

The sentence would be: My father's eighth grade teacher taught him a great deal more than math.