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The letter "i" in the Spanish alphabet is pronounced the same as the name of the letter "E" in the English alphabet.

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Q: What letter in the Spanish alphabet is pronounced the same as the name of the letter E in the English alphabet?
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What is the first letter in the spanish alphabet?

The first letter in the Spanish alphabet is also A. The difference is that in Spanish it is pronounced "Ahhh."

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What is the 1st letter of the spanish alphabet?

A. It is pronounced "Ahh"

What is A?

The letter A is the first letter in the Latin alphabet. Its name in English is a (pronounced /eɪ/), plural aes, as, or a's. The first letter of the English Alphabet.

Which letter in Spanish alphabet is prounounced same as letter e?

The i in Spanish is pronounced like the ee in tree.

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a pronounced ah There is no Mexican alphabet. It's called Spanish.

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In the Spanish alphabet, the letter "x" can make two sounds. It can make a "ks" sound as in the word "taxi" or it can make a "h" sound as in the word "México."

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"Jota" in Spanish refers to the letter "J" in the alphabet. It is pronounced like the English letter "H". In some Spanish-speaking regions, "jota" is also a traditional dance and song.

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The first letter of the Arabic alphabet is "ا" which is pronounced as "alif". It is equivalent to the letter "A" in English.

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There's no such letter in English. ANSWER: I griega is the Spanish word for the letter "Y".

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The letter J is the 10th letter in the English alphabet. It is the 11th in the Spanish alphabet.