Most modern linguists believe that the Coahuiltecan were diverse in both culture and language. At least seven different languages are thought to have been spoken, one of which is today called Coahuiltecan or Pakawa, spoken by a number of bands near San Antonio.
The best known of the languages are:
Both of these languages are spoken by people in the delta of the Rio Grande and Pakawa.
Indigenous East Indians spoke languages such as Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. These languages are part of the Dravidian language family, which is predominantly spoken in South India and some parts of East India.
Spoken languages are languages that are spoken by people for communication. They involve vocalization and sound production to convey meaning, as opposed to written languages, which use visual symbols for communication. There are thousands of spoken languages used around the world.
There isn't one specific language spoken by all Indians after Hindi. India has 22 officially recognized languages, each with its own regional variations. Some commonly spoken languages in India after Hindi include Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, and Gujarati.
The Coast Miwok Indians spoke various dialects of the Miwok language, which is part of the Penutian language family. The dialects spoken by the Coast Miwok people included Marin, Bodega, and Bolinas.
There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. However, many of these languages are endangered and at risk of disappearing.
The Manhasset indians spoke the Munsee and Unami languages.
They spoke Caddoan
Algonqulan Or Algonkian
Iroquian and/or Ojibway
they speak english and french