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I know "naku penda" means "I love you" in Swahili.

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9mo ago

"Naaku penda piya" is a phrase in the Swahili language, spoken in East Africa. It translates to "I love you too" in English.

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How do you say welcome in Nigerian languages?

There is actually no such language as "Nigerian". English is the only official language, but there are more than 500 native languages.If you would like a translation, you would need to specify which language you are talking about. If you are not sure, here is a list of languages to choose from:1. Abanyom2. Abon3. Abua4. Abureni5. Acipa, Eastern6. Acipa, Western7. Aduge8. Afade9. Agatu10. Agoi11. Agwagwune12. Àh�n13. Ajawa14. Ake15. Akpa16. Akpes17. Akuku18. Akum19. Alago20. Alege21. Alumu-Tesu22. Ambo23. Amo24. Anaang25. Áncá26. Arabic, Shuwa27. Arigidi28. Ashe29. Asu30. Atsam31. Auyokawa32. Awak33. Ayere34. Ayu35. Baan36. Baangi37. Baatonum38. Bacama39. Bada40. Bade41. Bakpinka42. Bali43. Bangwinji44. Barikanchi45. Basa46. Basa-Gumna47. Basa-Gurmana48. Bassa-Kontagora49. Bata50. Batu51. Bauchi52. Beele53. Begbere-Ejar54. Bekwarra55. Bena56. Berom57. Bete58. Bete-Bendi59. Bile60. Bina61. Biseni62. Bitare63. Boga64. Boghom65. Boko66. Bokobaru67. Bokyi68. Bole69. Bo-Rukul70. Bu71. Bukwen72. Bumaji73. Burak74. Bura-Pabir75. Bure76. Buru77. Busa78. Cakfem-Mushere79. Cara80. Cen81. Centúúm82. Che83. Cibak84. Cinda-Regi-Tiyal85. Cineni86. Cishingini87. Ciwogai88. C'lela89. Como Karim90. Cori91. Daba92. Dadiya93. Dass94. Daza95. Defaka96. Degema97. Dendi98. Deno99. Dera100. Dghwede101. Dibo102. Dijim-Bwilim103. Diri104. Dirim105. Doka106. Doko-Uyanga107. Dong108. Duguri109. Duhwa110. Dulbu111. Dungu112. Duwai113. Dza114. Dzodinka115. Ebira116. Ebughu117. Edo118. Efai119. Efik120. Efutop121. Eggon122. Ehueun123. Ejagham124. Ekajuk125. Eki126. Ekit127. Ekpeye128. Eleme129. Eloyi130. Emai-Iuleha-Ora131. Engenni132. English133. Enwan134. Enwan135. Epie136. Eruwa137. Esan138. Esimbi139. Etebi140. Eten141. Etkywan142. Etulo143. Evant144. Fali145. Fali of Baissa146. Fam147. Firan148. Fulfulde, Adamawa149. Fulfulde, Benin-Togo150. Fulfulde, Nigerian151. Fum152. Fungwa153. Fyam154. Fyer155. Gaa156. Ga'anda157. Gade158. Galambu159. Gamo-Ningi160. Ganang161. Gbagyi162. Gbari163. Gbaya, Northwest164. Gbiri-Niragu165. Geji166. Gengle167. Gera168. Geruma169. Ghotuo170. Gibanawa171. Giiwo172. Glavda173. Goemai174. Gokana175. Gude176. Gudu177. Guduf-Gava178. Gun179. Gupa-Abawa180. Gurmana181. Guruntum-Mbaaru182. Gvoko183. Gwa184. Gwamhi-Wuri185. Gwandara186. Gyem187. Hasha188. Hausa189. Hausa Sign Language190. Hide191. Holma192. Hõne193. Horom194. Huba195. Hungworo196. Hun-Saare197. Hwana198. Hya199. Hyam200. Ibani201. Ibibio202. Ibilo203. Ibino204. Ibuoro205. Iceve-Maci206. Idere207. Idesa208. Idoma209. Idon210. Idun211. Igala212. Igbo213. Igede214. Iguta215. Igwe216. Ihievbe217. Ija-Zuba218. Ijo, Southeast219. Ika220. Iko221. Ikpeshi222. Iku-Gora-Ankwa223. Ikulu224. Ikwere225. Ilue226. Irigwe227. Isekiri228. Isoko229. Ito230. Itu Mbon Uzo231. Ivbie North-Okpela-Arhe232. Iyayu233. Iyive234. Izere235. Izi-Ezaa-Ikwo-Mgbo236. Izon237. Izora238. Janji239. Jara240. Jarawa241. Jere242. Jiba243. Jibu244. Jilbe245. Jimi246. Jiru247. Jju248. Jorto249. Ju250. Jukun Takum251. Kaan252. Kadara253. Kagoma254. Kaivi255. Kakanda256. Kakihum257. Kalabari258. Kam259. Kamantan260. Kami261. Kamo262. Kamwe263. Kaningkom-Nindem264. Kanufi265. Kanuri266. Kanuri, Central267. Kanuri, Manga268. Kapya269. Karekare270. Kariya271. Khana272. Kholok273. Kinuku274. Kiong275. Kir-Balar276. Kirike277. Koenoem278. Kofa279. Kofyar280. Kohumono281. Koma282. Kono283. Korop284. Kpan285. Kpasam286. Kpati287. Kubi288. Kudu-Camo289. Kugama290. Kugbo291. Kukele292. Kulere293. Kulung294. Kumba295. Kupa296. Kurama297. Kushi298. Kutep299. Kutto300. Kuturmi301. Kwa302. Kwaami303. Kwak304. Kyak305. Kyenga306. Labir307. Laka308. Lala-Roba309. Lamang310. Lame311. Lamja-Dengsa-Tola312. Lamnso'313. Laru314. Leelau315. Legbo316. Lemoro317. Lenyima318. Lere319. Leyigha320. Lijili321. Limbum322. Lokaa323. Longuda324. Loo325. Lopa326. Lubila327. Lufu328. Luri329. Maaka330. Mada331. Mafa332. Mághdì333. Mak334. Mala335. Mama336. Mambila, Nigeria337. Mangas338. Marghi Central339. Marghi South340. Mashi341. Mawa342. Mbe343. Mbembe, Cross River344. Mbembe, Tigon345. Mboi346. Mbongno347. Mbula-Bwazza348. Mburku349. Mingang Doso350. Miship351. Miya352. Mom Jango353. Montol354. Moo355. Mumuye356. Mundat357. Mvanip358. Mwaghavul359. Nde-Gbite360. Nde-Nsele-Nta361. Ndoe362. Ndoola363. Ndun364. Ndunda365. Ngamo366. Ngas367. Nggwahyi368. Ngizim369. Ngwaba370. Nigerian Sign Language371. Ningye372. Ninzo373. Njerep374. Nkari375. Nkem-Nkum376. Nkoroo377. Nkukoli378. Nnam379. Nshi380. Numana-Nunku-Gbantu-Numbu381. Nungu382. Nupe-Nupe-Tako383. Nyam384. Nyeng385. Nyong386. Nzanyi387. Obanliku388. Obolo389. Obulom390. O'chi'chi'391. Odual392. Odut393. Ogbah394. Ogbia395. Ogbogolo396. Ogbronuagum397. Okobo398. Okodia399. Oko-Eni-Osayen400. Okpamheri401. Okpe402. Okpe403. Oloma404. Olulumo-Ikom405. Oring406. Oro407. Oruma408. Ososo409. Otank410. Pa'a411. Panawa412. Pangseng413. Pe414. Peere415. Pero416. Pidgin, Nigerian417. Piti418. Piya-Kwonci419. Polci420. Pongu421. Psikye422. Putai423. Putukwam424. Pyapun425. Rang426. Reshe427. Rogo428. Ron429. Ruma430. Samba Daka431. Samba Leko432. Sambe433. Sanga434. Sasaru435. Saya436. Sha437. Shakara438. Shall-Zwall439. Shamang440. Shama-Sambuga441. Shanga442. Shau443. Sheni444. Shiki445. Shoo-Minda-Nye446. Shuwa-Zamani447. Siri448. Somyev449. Sorko450. Sukur451. Sur452. Surubu453. Tal454. Tala455. Tamajaq, Tawallammat456. Tambas457. Tangale458. Tanjijili459. Tarok460. Tedaga461. Tee462. Teme463. Tera464. Teshenawa465. Tha466. Tita467. Tiv468. Toro469. Tsikimba470. Tsishingini471. Tso472. Tsuvadi473. Tula474. Tumi475. Tunzuii476. Tyap477. Ubaghara478. Ubang479. Uda480. Uhami481. Ukaan482. Ukpe-Bayobiri483. Ukpet-Ehom484. Ukue485. Ukwa486. Ukwuani-Aboh-Ndoni487. Ulukwumi488. Umon489. Uneme490. Uokha491. Urhobo492. Usaghade493. ut-Ma'in494. Uvbie495. Uzekwe496. Vaghat-Ya-Bijim-Legeri497. Vemgo-Mabas498. Viti499. Vono500. Voro501. Vute502. Waja503. Waka504. Wandala505. Wannu506. Wapan507. Wãpha508. Warji509. Wom510. Yace511. Yala512. Yamba513. Yangkam514. Yedina515. Yekhee516. Yendang517. Yeskwa518. Yiwom519. Yoruba520. Yukuben521. Zangwal522. Zari523. Zarma524. Zeem525. Zhire526. Ziriya527. Zizilivakan528. Zumbun

What are the languages spoken or written around the world?

There are thousands of languages spoken around the world, with the most widely spoken ones being English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic. Some other commonly spoken languages include Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, and French. Regional and indigenous languages are also spoken in various parts of the world.

What are some of the languages Africans speak?

Some of the languages spoken in Africa include Swahili, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Zulu, Arabic, and Amharic. Africa is incredibly diverse linguistically, with over 2,000 different languages spoken across the continent.

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