ang tutuli
ay ang katabi ko sa shop ang dami nyan tutuli tutungus pa tawag as kanya
English word for sapot: web
The English word for the French word "voyelle" is vowel.
The English word for Tamil word "kusu" is "garbage" or "rubbish."
The English word for the Latin word "portare" is "to carry."
The English word for the Latin word "cord" is "heart."
tutuli means to order 8
Something like "Hey girl, you're very pretty!
The shortest English word is 'a'.
English word for sapot: web
The English word for the French word "voyelle" is vowel.
is a English word
"it" already is an English word.
Aria is the Kikuyu word for the English word them.
Shokia is the Kikuyu word for the English word answer.
Mugate is the Kikuyu word for the English word bread.
"Palabra" is the Spanish word for "Word".