It is estimated that around 200 French and 100 English workers died during the construction of the English Channel Tunnel, also known as the Chunnel.
The short vowel in the first syllable of "trail" is the sound "a" as in "cat."
Yes, the word "tunnel" has a short vowel sound. The "u" in "tunnel" makes a short /Κ/ sound.
Yes, "tunnel" is a short vowel word. The first vowel sound in "tunnel" is the short u sound.
what is the preposition and object of the sentence "i am going into the dark cave and tunnel
Carpal tunnel is 'le tunnel carpien' in French.
The Channel Tunnel is normally just called the Channel Tunnel. Road signs say "Channel Tunnel" on the English side, and "Tunnel sous la Manche" on the French side.
The Euro-tunnel an Anglo-French consortium was set up in 1985 to finance the tunnel and operate it once it was operational. It was completed and opened in1994
It wasn't named, that is just where and what it is. The Channel Tunnel runs under the English Channel. It is often just called "the Channel" for short, for example in the phrase "cross channel ferry". There have been proposals to build a tunnel under the Channel for more than 100 years. The proposed tunnel was always referred as "the Channel Tunnel" long before it was built. In French it is known as "Tunnel sous la manche", "La manche" is French for the channel.
The tunnel going under the English channel connects England and France.
Calais. The Channel Tunnel and many ferries go there.
It is a tunnel under the Channel inside which TGV(High Speed train) Eurostar links France to UK from Paris to London. French call it "Le tunnel sous la manche" In English, it is called "The Channel Tunnel"
The Channel Tunnel (Le tunnel sous la Manche in French) was opened by Queen Elizabeth II and president of France François Mitterrand on 6-May-1994.
Calais is the closest big city from the Channel tunnel.
The English Channel TunnelApparently the English call it the Eurotunnel and the French call it le Shuttle
If you make a lot of french fries they are, They're quicker and more uniform than by hand. Plus they're easier if you have arthritis or carpel tunnel.
Coquelles near Calais, in Nord-Pas-de-Calais.It runs from there to Folkestone in Kent.