One example of a word in French that starts with the letter "o" is "oiseau," which means "bird" in English.
The word spoken has a long O and a schwa (unstressed eh sound). It rhymes with oaken and token.
One example of a word that starts with the letter O but is pronounced with a V sound is "ovary." It begins with an O but has a V sound in the middle.
Orator is another word for speaker.
One Egyptian word that starts with "o" is "Osiris," the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and rebirth. He is often depicted with green skin and a pharaoh's beard, and was considered a central figure in Egyptian mythology.
the word that starts with the letter o isonizalation glad to help
o my god
Offend is a synonym for the word hurt. It begins with the letter O.
One example of a word in French that starts with the letter "o" is "oiseau," which means "bird" in English.
Overwhelming is a synonym for awesome. It begins with O.
· outstanding