The antonym of the word "origin" is "destination" or "end point."
Paraphrase means to reword or restate information in your own words while keeping the original meaning intact.
The word for "origin" in Romani is "zhanel."
It's word origin is the Latin eboreus - creamy-white in color.
An antonym for the word paraphrase is quotation.
I am sorry the word you have said ,i cannot paraphrase it. -Your welcome
I can't remember his exact words, but to paraphrase, he doesn't support the plan.
Paraphrase the idea.
Another way to use a person's ideas but not word for word is to paraphrase.
A prose paragraph is when you paraphrase the story or poem. Another word for paraphrase is reword it in your in own words so just sum it down to your own words.
the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.
The word "origin" is derived from the French word "origin" and the Latin word "originem," both of which mean, beginning, descent, birth, and rise.
where was the word colonel origin