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The word for hello in Cajun is "Bonjour."

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Q: What is the word for hello in Cajun?
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What is the Cajun term for hello?

The Cajun term for hello is "bonjour."

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How do you say hello in Cajun french?

In Cajun French, you can say "Bonjour" to greet someone.

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The cajun work for Godmother is Nanan.

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The Cajun word for "yes" is "oui."

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The Cajun word for "buddy" is "copain."

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The Cajun word for girl is "fille."

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The Cajun word for grandfather is "pap" and the word for grandmother is "mamere."

French translation for hello?

Cajun French is a French/English dialect spoken in Louisiana and Alabama along the Gulf coast. In Cajun French the word 'hello' is said as 'bonjou'.

What is the Cajun word for love And what is the Cajun word for hate?

The Cajun word for love is "amour" and the Cajun word for hate is "haine."

What is the Cajun word for god mother?

The cajun work for Godmother is Nanan.

How do you say Hello and Welcome in Cajun French?

In Cajun French, "Hello" is typically translated as "Bonjour" and "Welcome" is translated as "Bienvenue." Cajun French is a unique dialect of French spoken mainly in Louisiana, influenced by Acadian settlers who were expelled from Canada in the 18th century. The pronunciation and spelling of these phrases may vary slightly depending on the specific region or community within Cajun country.