A hybrid word is a word that is formed by combining elements from different languages. For example, "brunch" is a hybrid word that combines elements from "breakfast" and "lunch."
Polyglot means someone who can speak multiple languages.
Bilingual refers to a person who is fluent in two languages.
A word that sounds and is spelled the same in two different languages is called a cognate. This usually occurs when two languages share a common origin or have influenced each other throughout history.
The term "bilingual" refers to an individual who can speak two languages proficiently.
Official language of Armenia is Armenian. However, Russian is spoken by a majority as a second language.
In different cultures and languages the spelling of a word will change. Different languages have different spellings for word than what you are used to when spelling a word in English. The word nut in Thai is spelled Krayasat.
There is no word 'alllaaaaah' in English.
A hybrid word is a word that is formed by combining elements from different languages. For example, "brunch" is a hybrid word that combines elements from "breakfast" and "lunch."
Different words for "Efficiency" in different language
In Japanese, it is 'ongaku.'
Klingon: Dargh