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The singular possessive form of the noun buttress is buttress's.

The plural form of the noun buttress is buttresses. The plural possessive form is buttresses'.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Singular possessive: buttress's Plural possessive: buttresses'

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Q: What is the word buttress singular and plural possessive?
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Is ITS' in the plural possessive form?

No, it is singular, the possessive form of it is its. The plural form of it is they or them, and the possessive form is their.To answer the question directly: there is no such word as ITS'.

Is analysis singular plural singulal possessive or plural possessive?

"Analysis" is a singular noun. "Analyses" is the plural form of the word. "Analysis's" or "analysis' " can be used to indicate singular possession, while "analyses' " would be the plural possessive form.

Do I drop the y and add ies for a possessive noun?

No, a possessive noun is formed by adding an -'s (or just an -' to the end of plural nouns already ending in -s) to the existing singular or plural noun; for example:singular=apple, singular possessive=apple's; plural=apples, plural possessive= apples'singular=boy, singular possessive=boy's; plural=boys, plural possessive=boys'singular=car, singular possessive=car's; plural=cars, plural possessive=cars'The nouns that drop the -y and add -ies is to form the plural are nouns ending in -y preceded by a consonant; for example:singular=ally; plural=allies (singular possessive=ally's; plural possessive=allies')singular=baby; plural=babies (singular possessive=baby's; plural possessive=babies')singular=city; plural=cities(singular possessive=city's; plural possessive=cities')

Is reflections plural plural possessive or singular possessive?

The noun reflections is the plural form of the singular noun reflection.The singular possessive form is reflection's.The plural possessive form is reflections'.Examples:Her reflection's image pleased her very much. (singular)You can't see under the water because of the reflections' brightness. (plural)

Is its plural or possessive?

"Its" is the possessive form, used to show that something belongs to "it." The plural form of "it" is "they."

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