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The unstressed syllable in a word is a syllable that is pronounced with less emphasis or force compared to a stressed syllable in the same word. It often has a lower pitch and is spoken more quickly than stressed syllables. In English, unstressed syllables are common and play a significant role in the rhythm and flow of speech.

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The unstressed vowel in "company" is the letter "o." It is pronounced as /ə/ in an unstressed position.

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What is the unstressed syllable in silver?

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What is the unstressed vowel in regularly?

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What is the unstressed syllables in efficient?

The first and third syllables are unstressed.

What is an unstressed?

An unstressed vowel is a vowel in the word you don't sound.

What are stressed and unstressed syllables?

unstressed syallablesi dont know

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des is unstressed pair is stressed

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its the "i" that's unstressed

What is unstressed?

An unstressed vowel is a vowel in the word you don't sound.