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Ever here someone remark "What are you insinuating??" in response to an accusing question?

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That is known as a loaded question. It is a question that contains an assumption or an accusation within it.

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Q: What is the term for when someone assumes something and asks a question accusing you of it?
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Another word for accusing?

1. To legally charge (someone) with an offense or crime. 2. To claim that (someone) has done something wrong.

What is the term for Accusing someone of something and then do the same thing yourself?

The term for accusing someone of something and then doing the same thing yourself is called "hypocrisy." This refers to the act of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.

What is the word for blaming someone?

The word for blaming someone is "accusing."

What does accused mean?

Accusing is the present participle of accuse, the act of claiming someone has done something.

A girl at your school thinks you spread rumors about us going out what do you do?

When someone is accusing you of something you have the right to confront her and ask her who is telling her these lies. If she refuses then tell her she is making serious accusations regarding your character and you're not putting up with it. If this girl can't trust your answer to her question then move on from her.

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prejudice is where someone assumes something about someone and it may not be true. Therefore, "Prejudice obscures the truth," means that thinking someone always fits a stereotype is probably not true.

Is false accusation a crime?

If it is on purpose, yes, or if the person who accused the other person did not know what was going on and thought something bad was happening, then no. But if a policeman had proof that someone was a criminal, and the "criminal" explained how he wasn't one and it was a misunderstanding, then that false accusation is okay. But if a paronoid adult was accusing someone across the street for killing his dog with no proof, then it's a crime.

What does it mean when someone assumes presidency?

They become president!

Is the question What is your favorite horror movie a biased question?

Yes, the question "What is your favorite horror movie" is biased because it assumes the respondent has watched horror movies and has a favorite among them. It may not be suitable for someone who does not enjoy or watch horror films.

What is meaning of smeared?

It is the past tense of smear. It means that something was rubbed all over something. It can also mean that someone's reputation was damaged.Examples:"I want to know who smeared peanut butter all over my new car.""Nobody wants to hire me after someone smeared my reputation by accusing me of hurting kids."

What is the defintion of mudslinging?

Think of someone literally slinging mud at someone else -- it gives the impression that someone is trying to make someone else look dirty. You usually see this used as a political term, meaning that one candidate is trying to make the other one look bad by accusing them of something.