The suffix of "humid" is "-id."
The suffix for the word "humid" is "-ity," which changes the word to "humidity."
The suffix for the noun "exhibit" is "-ion."
You can change "humid" to a noun by using the word "humidity."
"Darkness" is a noun that can be used as a suffix for "dark."
The suffix of "humid" is "-id."
The suffix for the word "humid" is "-ity," which changes the word to "humidity."
The noun form for the adjective humid is humidity.
Noun forms of the adjective 'humid' are humidness and humidity.
The noun forms of the adjective 'humid' are humidity and humidness.
The suffix for the noun "exhibit" is "-ion."
You can change "humid" to a noun by using the word "humidity."
"Darkness" is a noun that can be used as a suffix for "dark."
To turn "exclaim" into a noun, you can add the suffix "-ation" to make it "exclamation."
The noun forms for the verb to persecute are:persecutor (suffix, 'or')persecution (suffix, 'ion')
The noun forms for the verb to persecute are:persecutor (suffix, 'or')persecution (suffix, 'ion')