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The style of a speech refers to the way in which it is delivered, including the tone, language, and overall structure used by the speaker to convey their message effectively to the audience. It can encompass elements such as formal or informal language, emotional appeal, persuasive techniques, and the use of rhetorical devices to engage and influence the listeners.

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Q: What is the style of a speech?
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What is the style of speech?

Style is a noun and a verb.

According to Aristotle for the style of a speech to be good it must be?

According to Aristotle, for the style of a speech to be good, it must be clear, appropriate for the audience and occasion, and engaging. Aristotle believed that a good style should enhance the persuasiveness of the speech.

Informal style of speech?

Go for it! Just keep it short and sweet, no need to go on and on. What's on your mind?

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figure of speech is a kind of a style. the credit of this is point of figure.

What part of the speech is style?

Style is one of the key components of speech. It refers to the way in which ideas and information are conveyed, and includes elements such as word choice, sentence structure, tone, and use of rhetorical devices. Style can greatly impact the effectiveness and impact of a speech, as it can engage and captivate the audience, or it can fall flat and fail to convey the intended message.

Who Used the plain style?

The Plain Style was a technique used by the Puritans. This style was characterized by simple, direct, and unambiguous rhetoric, speech, or writing.

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Calligraphy refers to a special, formal style of handwriting. It's a noun as it is the NAME of style.

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