No, "Look out below" is not an exclamatory sentence. It is an imperative sentence used to warn someone of a potential danger from above.
Yes, I can understand the subject of exclamatory sentences. Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or emphasize a particular subject, and I can identify and interpret them accurately.
Declarative: "I am going to the store." Exclamatory: "I am going to the store!"
Oops! It is an exclamatory word that does not seem directly related to the other words.
no letters are exclamatory, but there is exclamatory puntuation = "!"
his sentences were not Exclamatory. The news was exclamatory for everyone.
exclamatory sentence is very useful. You left him there? Real Exclamatory.
Exclamatory is the correct spelling.
it is exclamatory because, exclamatory is said with a feeling
"Wow!" would be an exclamatory sentence.
This is a wondergul picture ( Exclamatory)
You spelled it correctly the first time: exclamatory
Containing, expressing, or using exclamation; as, an exclamatory phrase or speaker.
an exclamatory sentence