Slang is a collective term. It has no plural form.
"Dome" is slang for performing oral sex on someone.
The slang word for brother is "bro" or "bruh."
"Plonter" is Yiddish slang for routine.
Cool itself, unless you are using it to mean mildly cold, is a slang word. Just because it is old slang doesn't mean that it is not still slang.
aight aight
There is no five letter word spelled with the letters 'aight'. Words that can be spelled with those letters are:aahatgaithahaghathihitIittag
Slang word for goofy, ugly, and someone who messes up. 2. Slang word for leaving. 1. Dude, you be straight up gufn. 2. Aight homie, im gufn out. A man walks up the stairs and trips. Student : "Man everyone saw you gufn!"
'Alrite' is the most common term for 'All Right'. In more 'urban' circles its pronounced 'aight' (like ah-ite) ^ that is one option but alot of people say "ard" now....
she thinks they aight
the answer is aight
hes aight
it means aight or alright
Aye like yo
His paintings do not, some of his films do.