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The root meaning of "audio" comes from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear" or "to listen."

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Q: What is the root meaning of audio?
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auditory is made up of the root "audio" meaning "hearing, sound".

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The stem is audio meaning hear. Another stem would be the infinitive of audio which is audiere, meaning to hear

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Some words with the Latin root word "aud" include audio, audience, and auditorium.

What is the root word of audio?

The root word of "audio" is "audire," which is Latin for "hear" or "listen."

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Yes, the word "audio" does have the root word "aud." "Aud" comes from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear."

What is the root word of auditory?

The root word of "auditory" is "audi", which comes from the Latin word "audire" meaning "hear" or "listen".

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true, a affix does change the meaning of a root.