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"NOHN-no" is the pronunciation of the Italian word nonno. The masculine singular noun may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the") or indefinite un, uno ("a, an"). It means "grandfather."

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9mo ago

The Italian word "nonno" is pronounced as "NOHN-noh," with the stress on the first syllable.

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Q: What is the pronunciation of the Italian word 'nonno'?
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Grandfather in Italian?

Nonno and Nonna are Italian equivalents of 'grandfather' and 'grandmother'. The masculine noun 'nonno'means 'grandfather'. Its definite article is 'il' ['the'], and its indefinite 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'NOHN-noh.The feminine noun 'Nonna' means 'grandmother'. It's pronounced 'NOHN-nah'. Its definite article is 'la', and its indefinite 'una'.

What is 'to grandad' when translated from English to Italian?

Per nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "to grandad." The prepositional phrase also translates as "for grandfather" in English. The pronunciation will be "per NON-no" in Italian.

What is 'grandfather' when translated from English to Italian?

Nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English word "grandfather." The masculine singular noun also translates as "grandparent" according to context. The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Pisan Italian.

Is 'nonno' used in Italian before a surname?

Yes, nonno can be used in Italian before a surname even though it tends to be used more frequently before a forename. The masculine singular noun is "grandfather" in English and may be said or written as Nonno Carlo ("Grandfather Charles"). The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Pisan Italian.

Is 'nonni' an Italian word?

Yes, nonni is an Italian word.Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun in its plural form. It may be translated as "Grandfathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, grandparents." The pronunciation is "NOHN-nee."

How do you say grandfather in Italian?

nonno nonno

What is the Italian translation of 'grandparent'?

Nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English word "grandparent" or "grandfather."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article il means "the." Its singular indefinite article un, uno means "a, one."The pronunciation is "NOHN-noh."

Can 'nonno' be followed by an Italian grandfather's Christian name?

Yes, it is possible to add the Christian name of the grandparent that one is calling Nonno. The masculine singular noun in question literally means "grandfather" in English so Nonno Pietro translates into English as "Grandfather Peter." The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Italian.

What does nonno mean?

Nonno means "grandfather" in Italian.

What is the pronunciation of the Italian words 'nonna' and 'nonno'?

"NOHN-nah" and "NOHN-noh" are the respective pronunciations of the Italian words nonna and nonno.Specifically, the word nonna is a feminine noun. It means "grandmother". The masculine noun nonno translates as "grandfather".

Is the name nanu in Italian for grandpa?

Yes, that's what my kids call their grandpa too.

Is 'Poppi' 'grandfather' in Italian?

Yes, 'Poppi' may be an Italian equivalent of 'grandfather'. The word in Italian is pronounced 'POHP-pee'. It's a masculine gender noun whose equivalent in standard textbook Italian is 'nonno', which is pronounced 'NOHN-noh'.