"TCHEEN-kwey" is one pronunciation of the Italian word cinque.
Specifically, the Italian word can be an adjective, noun or pronoun. Whatever its function, it always means "five." Whatever its meaning, it usually will be pronounced "TCHEEN-kwey" even though listeners will hear the people of Siena in northern Italy say "SHEEN-kwey."
"Sal-SEET-tcha" is the pronunciation of the Italian word salsiccia.Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la ("the"). It means "sausage".
MEE-a is the pronunciation of the Italian word mia.Specifically, the word is a feminine adjective in its singular form. It means "my". The masculine singular equivalent, mio, will be pronounced "MEE-o".
"Noh-VEY-nah" is the pronunciation of the Italian word novena.Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine noun. It may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la("the") or the feminine singular indefinite article una ("a, one"). The Italian word refers to nine days of repeating the same devotion or the Rosary. It traces its origins back to the Latin word novem ("nine").
In Italian, 'veta' from Telugu translates to 'questo' or 'that'.
Italian is the language of the word vivere.Specifically, the Italian word is a verb. It is the present form of the infinitive. The pronunciation is "VEE-ve-reh."
It is the Italian word for five.Five in Italian
Novantacinque is an Italian equivalent of the English word "ninety-five (95)." The number represents the combination of the numerals novanta ("ninety," "90") and cinque("five," "5"). The pronunciation will be "no-VAN-ta-TCHEEN-kwey" in Italian.
"Forty-five (45)" is an English equivalent of the Italian number "quarantacinque."Specifically, the Italian number "quaranta" means "forty (40)." The Italian number "cinque" means "five (5)." The pronunciation is "kwah-RAHN-tah-TCHEEN-kweh."
Cinque in Italian means "five" in English.
"Twenty-five(25)" is an English equivalent of the Italian word venticinque.Specifically, the number venti means "twenty (20)." The number cinque means "five (5)." The pronunciation is "VEHN-tee-TCHEEN-kweh."
"Five hundred (500)" is an English equivalent of the Italian word cinquecento.Specifically, the number cinque means "five." The masculine noun cento means "hundred (100)." The pronunciation is "TCHEEN-kweh-TCHEHN-toh."
Cinquemila is a literal Italian equivalent of the English word "5,000 (five thousand)." The above-mentioned example represents the combination of the number cinque ("five," "5") and mila ("thousand," "1,000"). The pronunciation will be "TCHEEN-kwey-MEE-la" in Italian.
Uno cinque is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "1 05." The phrase may refer to a price or time. The pronunciation will be "OO-no TCHEEN-kwey" in Italian.
Trentacinque is an Italian equivalent of '35. It combines the word 'trenta' ['thirty'] with the word 'cinque'['five']. It's pronounced 'TREHN-tah-CHEEHN-kweh'.
Centoventicinque (compound word-> cento-venti-cinque)
Il cinque maggio is an Italian equivalent of the English date "May 5th".Specifically, the masculine singular definite article ilis "the". The number cinque means "five (5)". The masculine noun maggio translates as "May".The pronunciation will be "eel TCHEEN-kwey MAHD-djoh" in Italian.